Some people do not want to do cpr...but the truth is this: If someone is dead, cpr can not hurt them, you can only make the situation better. Sudden cardiac arrest (SCA) kills over 900 adults each day in the USA. That is about 335,000 of the 550,000 annual deaths from coronary heart disease.The American Heart Association states that 95% of SCA victims die before reaching a hospital.
Ventricular Fibrillation (VF) is the most common cause of SCA. VF is a disruption in the normal electrical rhythm of the heart and can often be corrected quickly with a defibrillator. An Automated External Defibrillator (AED) resets the heart's normal electrical impulses in a VF victim by delivering an electric shock.
Brain death from lack of oxygen usually begins in 4 minutes and is usually complete in less than 10 minutes. CardioPulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) supplies a limited amount of oxygen to the brain, delaying the death of cells. Immediately providing CPR can double a person's chance of survival, and the sooner CPR is started, the greater the chance of survival. Around 75% of cardiac arrests happen in people's homes so you will probably perform CPR on a family member or friend. A typical SCA victim is a man 60-65 years old or a woman 65-70 years old, but it can happen to people of any age. SCA occurs twice as often in men as in women.
There is yet to be a documented case of HIV being transmitted due to performing CPR. The first out-of-hospital defibrillation device weighed over 100 pounds. AEDs now weigh less than 5 pounds. CPR saves lives and as more people become trained and AEDs become more common, more lives can be saved.
Cardio = HEART
Pulmonary = LUNGS
Resuscitate = REVIVE
Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation = Reviving the Heart and Lungs
Children Under 1 Check for Responsiveness:
Tap the infant gently and shout to see if she makes a noise or moves. If she doesn't respond, immediately send someone to call 911 (do NOT leave your infant to call 911 until you've performed CPR for at least two minutes).
Check for Breathing: Lay the baby on her back (if there's any chance the infant has a spinal injury, enlist two people to move the infant to prevent twisting her head or neck). With Baby on her back, lift up her chin with one hand while pushing down on her forehead with the other hand. Look, listen, and feel for breathing. Do this by placing your ear close to your baby's mouth and nose. Listen and feel for breath against your cheek while you watch her chest for any movement.
Perform Rescue Breathing: If you do not see, hear, or feel your baby breathing, you'll need to perform mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. To do this, cover Baby's mouth and nose gently with your mouth (or you can cover just her nose and hold the mouth shut). Keep the infant's chin lifted and her head tilted back. Give two short breaths (each should take about a second and should make Baby's chest rise). Keep in mind that your baby doesn't need a lot of air -- just a mouthful.
Perform CPR:
After you've performed two rescue breaths, check Baby for any response (look, listen, and feel for breathing). If she is still nonresponsive, begin chest compressions. To do this, place two fingers on your baby's breastbone, just below the nipples. Make sure not to press at the very end of the breastbone. While keeping one hand on your baby's forehead with her head slightly tilted back (to keep her airway open), give 30 chest compressions with your two fingers. Each time, let Baby's chest rise completely. Your compressions should be very fast and hard with no pauses. Count the compressions quickly ("1, , 3, 4, 5 ... 29, 30, off").
After finishing the 30 compressions, give your baby two more breaths and watch her chest -- it should rise as you puff air into her mouth. Continue with CPR: 30 chest compressions followed by two breaths, repeating this pattern for about two minutes. After two minutes of CPR, if your baby still doesn't have normal breath sounds, isn't coughing, and isn't moving, leave and dial 911. Then keep repeating CPR (30 compressions followed by two breaths) until the infant recovers or until help arrives. If your baby recovers, place her in the recovery position: face down over your arm with her head slightly lower than her body. Support her head and neck with your hand, keeping the mouth and nose clear while you wait for help to arrive.
People are now asking how we are keeping our students and staff safe during the coronavirus and cooperating with cdc guidelines while teaching and administering cpr and bls skills, intubation and using the aeds.
Here are 6 ways we are making cpr classes safe, clean, sanitized and following proper procedures: